lunes, 17 de agosto de 2015

Fin del viaje (Journey´s end)

“Y el espíritu sale de sí, transita de aquí para allá y finalmente, un buen día, decide volver a sí. Estaba en lo cierto. Mi espíritu se había ido un día, sin que yo lo notara y deambuló por entre gentíos, lugares, a veces hostiles a veces amigables, sin hallarme, sólo piezas de un rompecabezas sueltas, las cuales sólo de a ratos podía desenmarañar sus misterios. En este viaje dialéctico te hallé y me hallé y volví a mí y ya no fue necesario proseguir en ese eterno retorno y el viaje llegó a su fin…”

"El mundo de Lourdes" - Cap. 22.
© JV 2015.
Available at:

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

El mundo de Lourdes

En el mundo de Lourdes, hay lágrimas por quienes ya no tienen lágrimas.
En el mundo de Lourdes, hay voces de quienes ya no tienen voz.
En el mundo de Lourdes, no se tienen prisas temerarias.
En el mundo de Lourdes, las margaritas que crecen a los lados de las vías del tren, son bellas y únicas.
En el mundo de Lourdes, las “nubes” de leche, son más que nubes.
En el mundo de Lourdes, los nenúfares son pequeños remansos y no simples plantas acuáticas. 
En el mundo de Lourdes, los segundos no son segundos y el tiempo no es escaso ni abundante, es irrelevante.
En el mundo de Lourdes, la amistad no es el hoy, es el siempre. 
En el mundo de Lourdes, los sueños no son sueños, sino, susurros que se escuchan entre un momento y el siguiente.
En el mundo de Lourdes, el amor existe, porque la eternidad existe…

Éste, es el mundo de Lourdes…

El Mundo de Lourdes; una historia de amor atrapada entre dos segundos
© Jorge Vai - 2015
ISBN 978-1512397062

In the world of Lourdes

In the world of Lourdes, there are tears for those who no longer have tears.
In the world of Lourdes, there are voices of those who no longer have a voice.
In the world of Lourdes, there are no reckless hurries.
In the world of Lourdes, the daisies growing on one side of the train tracks are beautiful and unique.
In the world of Lourdes, the "clouds" of milk are more than clouds.
In the world of Lourdes, the water lilies are small backwaters and not just aquatic plants.
In the world of Lourdes, the seconds are not seconds and time is not scarce or abundant, it is just irrelevant.
In the world of Lourdes, friendship is not today, it's forever.
In the world of Lourdes, dreams are not dreams, but whispers you may hear from one moment to the next.
In the world of Lourdes, love exists, because eternity exists.

This is the world of Lourdes ...

"El mundo de Lourdes"
© Jorge Vai - 2015
ISBN 978-1512397062

Available at Amazon Kindle too.

jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

I don´t recognize you (No te reconozco)

I don´t recognize you,
not because of the brume,
not because of the time,
because of my memory,
without memory...

sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015

Destinos sin rumbo

Destiny without
is seeded
my life 
without life,
because you 
are not there,
in my today,
neither always in
in my always,
or never
in my never ...

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

A peaceful Sunday - Un domingo apacible

The Sunday passed very peaceful. Like those old rivers, with very pronounced meanders, that they feel tired of being rivers along centuries, carrying water to nowhere, and only seeing those little beings at the river bank, with their pails and dipping them by an insatiable thirst, that it doesn´t sate...

sábado, 14 de marzo de 2015

Prague. Wednesday August, 21st 1968. The invasion

"Suddenly, something hit them. It was not a car. Alejandra felt like an explosion. She was stunned, really stunned. Edgardo was also stunned, but he managed to pull Alejandra out of the car, who had a cut on her forehead, and she was welling blood. Radek could just open the door and crawled a few meters. The impact had squarely on the side of Pauline, who lay dead, with half of her body out of the car. Edgardo took Alejandra to the door of a bakery that had a kind of hollow. Then he checked the unfortunate death of Pauline. He helped Radek to stand up, and took him to where Alejandra was.

What had crashed them, was a Soviet tank T-54, at the intersection of a street. Edgardo, more recovered, saw a second tank that crushed Radek´s car. It passed, with the body of Pauline inside, and went on his way…"

"Alejandra en primavera"
Chapter 12. "The invasion"

© Jorge Vai - Alejandra en Primavera
ISBN 978-987-33-5862-3

martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

The dream of Noelia

To search without knowing where. To search without knowing why. To search without knowing who. To search without knowing when. Maybe then, dreams begin. Noelia was sleeping. But she was restless. She was sleeping, but it was like she was waiting for someone, in this endless sleep. As usual dreams appear to us. Appearing and disappearing animals, objects, shapes and forms without people. People with a face or not. The dream of Noelia was a sea of people, most of them, like mannequins, moving from one place to another…

Alejandra en Primavera.
© Jorge Vai 2014. All rights reserved.